Monday, March 5, 2007



As giant Ilam Village icebreaker, the RAs (mainly Cal, Meg's flatmate) put together a mock-up of tv's Amazing Race. There were three stages, with the first beginning at 10 am. The challenges that each flat had to complete were at each station (usually cross campus which meant lots of running) could be mental or physical. Sometimes the route information to the next pit stop was ambiguous making it difficult to find exactly where to go. Almost 25 flats participated, not mine however, so I joined Flat 50 (Meg, Amy, Alex, Mic, but not Cal who is an RA and thus cannot play). After each stage a certain percentage of teams were cut. Our flat finished 7th, then 4th, and eventually...FIRST!!! Here are some of the highlights:

-counting the number of right triangles in the library square...over 160 in case you were
-carrying a recycling bin of water around a track w/out spilling any of it
-eating 3 pizzas as fast as we could at the beginning of the 2nd stage
-running all holding hands
-taking a nasty spill in the Ilam Gardens, all in the name of victory
-transferring buses into Christchurch and subsequently jumping ahead of every other team
-running through Cathedral Square and scaring tourists...and locals
-screaming the national anthem at the art gallery and scaring Japanese tourist (we are
permanently frozen in their scrapbooks forever)
-arriving back at the office so far ahead of schedule that no one was there to great us nor congratulate us on our win
-winning a free dinner at Spice Traders cafe on campus...and trying to exchange our free meal only to find that it's not open past 5 pm on weekends

*more pics to come, of the winning team nonetheless.

2nd place finishers celebrating.

3rd place went to 3 flats who got stuck all on the same bus coming back from the city. they linked arms and came walking to the finish together singing singing 'lean on me'...what happened to the competition?

here it is! Dante out sprinting Adam to avoid getting last place!

the masses enjoying the end of a long day.

cavallo*!!! twice! when will you learn Alex?

*for those of you who are not currently near an Italian, cavallo means horse, and is a "traditional" drinking game where if one individual is caught drinking alcohol at anytime, using his/her right hand, cavallo can be called out. said individual must now chug/skull/drink quickly the rest of his/her beverage. if cavallo is called out by someone when an individual is drinking with the proper, left hand, or does not currently have the alcohol in their mouth, the person calling cavallo must now chug/skull/drink quickly, their own beverage. now that you are reading this you are fully aware of this game and must adhere to the rules unto death due you says Mic**.

**this game is entirely Mic's doing and in no way represents the actual views or opinions of other cultures. it is a horribly addicting game and should be taken with a grain of salt, unless of course you are near Mic or anyone else who has been brainwashed by him...which now includes almost all of Ilam Village.

3rd place having some cold ones.

As for me: one bottle of champagne, a couple glasses of wine, a few beers, one Eurotrip movie, and the first two MacGyver episodes later, I completed my well-deserved celebration with my winning team.

1 comment:

mello said...

Can't wait to see your blog about Mt. Sealy :)